Agile, Vue 3 JS, Bootstrap, Google firebase
The client request was to create a fully comperhensive cardiomyopathy analysis website, where the user is able to perform the create, read, update, delete functions, alongside adding a registration system, the ability to search for gene mutations to gain information about them and to add test date which the user is then able to view.
Agile was uesd for the development of this project, and trello was used to track the tasks
and progress of the project, by assigning each member a specific task and reporting on the
next meeting.
github was the main working framwork, where each of the functionalities was developed in a
branch, which then got merged onto the main page.
Using modern front-end and back-end Technology, the app was written and Implemented
• Node JS
• Google firestore & firebase hosting
• API access
• VUE 3
• jQuery + Javascript
• bootstrap + CSS
The project recovered code can be viewed following the link here: Cardiomyopathy Product Presentation View on Github
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